Thursday, July 24, 2008

and then it struck me

Today's morning run was just a bit different than the others. No, there was still the same heavy breathing, sweating, and wishing the 30 minutes would go by before I even knew it was over. The difference was that I began thinking about what it was that was motivating me to keep on going and complete this marathon...and that is, you never know whats going to happen next.

It all started when I thought back to my emergency surgery in February. Up until then I was struggling with whether or not I had wanted to get back into diving. After 2 1/2 years of questioning why it was I had quit in the first place, I finally found the courage to go back. I wasn't going to let fear stare me in the face anymore and I was going to fulfill every ounce of potential everyone told me I had. With that, I decided it was my time to shine. Before I knew it I was winning all sorts of meets and climbing back to where I once left off. However, everything I had worked for slowly came to an end on a Wednesday afternoon of our Big Easts Conference meet. I've mentioned it before but long story short, I wasn't able to go out there and show off everything I had worked for up to that point. I thought, "This is's my make a strong come back and win this thing." Instead, I was laying on a hospital bed, with a 4 inch scar across my stomach, on a liquid diet and unable to do anything but lay flat for the next 2 weeks.

It's not thinking about the fact that your diving career is over that hurts the's watching all of your teammates get the chance to compete and watching everything you had wanted and all that hard work slip through your fingers that takes the greatest tole. I had so much potential and could have made something great of myself if I just would have stuck with it...if I didn't take a 2 1/2 year beak and if I just worked harder and made the commitment to give it my all. That's when it hit me...whatever it is I decide to do with my life next, I'm going to go through with it full force and without any question about it, because you never know whats going to happen when it comes to doing what you do best.

Soon enough, I will break through the cramps, the constant desire to stop and walk, and the complaining, all so I can feel something great...and that is to cross the finish line of a 26.2 mile race. So to all the 30 minute runs, 5 mile runs, 10+ mile runs....BRING IT ON cause I'M READY!!


David said...

Yeah, i think that distance was kinda a fluke. Ive been running since January but I've been really on it since May and I just came off a pretty decent 10K race, so I was trying to push myself. I'll start a more set program in about a month, but for now I'm just trying to build my weekly mileage up to 20-25.

Sounds like you've come a long way in the last few months! Keep up the hard work and remember that you've got almost 6 months to get ready. If you or your friend have any questions related to running injuries or aches and pains you're having related to your training, feel free to contact me. I'm a PT student and just finished up my Orthopedic section of my education, so I work with lots of runners on a daily basis.

Kaity Mackenzie said...

Laura I am SO proud of you. When you told me about everything that had happened this past semester I felt so awful that I wasn't there. Your courage and strength are admirable. I do six miles tomorrow and I will be thinking about you and this post while I run it. I AM going to push through all my crap and just do it! I love you girl!

PS: Nice header! Where did you get the picture? It's all pretty badass.

Kaity Mackenzie said...

OH YEAH... one more thing.

I've decided to run a 10K at the end of August. It is the Run Jane Run... held by the YWCA of St. Joe County. Here are all of the details. Wanna run it with me?

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you and keep up the great work! I'm absolutely astonished to hear how people have turned their life experiences around and come to the sport/obsession of running; and are planning for the 26.2 mile mark.
After 19 years of running for Uncle Sam, I'm finally running for myself with a goal of finishing the WDW marathon.
I wish you the best of luck.

Kaity Mackenzie said...


Steve said...

Keep up the good work and enjoy every step of the way. I never imagined I would be a runner, but now I'm training for my 4th (this includes the Disney Goofy challenge 1/2 and full in the same weekend).

I've just started my own running blog.

Stop by some time if you'd like.