Tuesday, July 15, 2008

keep on truckin'

i really don't like the fact that i skipped out on last saturday's run (i felt so lazy, but hey, its only prelim training, right?), but i guess being pampered for my cousins wedding was a legitimate reason. Yet, after all was said and done i'm even more proud of myself considering i made it through my first 30 minute run of the week (7 more until i begin week one of training)!! It was actually a pretty awesome run to say the least (about a 8:40 mile), especially since I had someone to run with, and even though I started cramping about 17 minutes in, i kept on truckin' and felt fantastic afterwards!

Although its been super humid and super hot, and i've been running more hills than ever (thank you Bloomington), i think its helping me to prepare better mentally than ever before. This whole last week has been more difficult than expected, especially when it comes to getting myself out on the road, but i just need to find that "umph" that makes me want to keep on running. I think alot of it has to do with running in the mornings. No matter what though, I always finish the run for that day, and i'm so proud of myself for that. Or maybe i just need some new music to listen to...any suggestions?

Lately i've been questioning this whole runners high thing. What does it feel like and when am i going to get to experience it? I'm beginning to think it doesn't exist. Of course i love the feeling of breaking the barrier of a 30 minute run (and even an hour run) but man would i love to be running, feeling as though i'm going to die, and then all of a sudden never want to stop. It best kick in when i start those 10+ mile runs.

You think its a bit early to be counting down? -- only 180 more days until the big day!! ha ha

1 comment:

Kaity Mackenzie said...

Holy heck girlfriend! No counting down! That will freak me out hard core. Ugh... it's been tough lately. I have to run INSIDE today... it's too humid to be outside. The weather channel said so. You're doing awesome. Keep it up!