Wednesday, August 13, 2008

early to rise

Despite the fact that my body woke me up at 4:30 this morning, I decided to get my 4 mile run in and out of the way before my day actually began. Ok, so I feel GREAT knowing that by 6 am I am done training for that day, but by the time I get home from work I am ready to crash....and I'm not so sure massive amounts of coffee and caffeine is the solution, especially when training for this marathon. I'd like to keep running in the mornings, but I'm not so sure my body will let me do that 4 days a week, especially when I'm having to wake up at 5 am just to get a run in...or even earlier once the longer runs kick in. Not to mention, running in pitch black (there are hardly any lights on my street) is not the smartest idea either. (I recently started working 8-5 and I'm just trying to figure out when it is I'm going to be able to get myself to train so I DON'T have to run inside on a treadmill or indoor track. I'll wait until its 30 below before I force myself to do that.)

Here's the thing... I'm able to mentally prepare myself for the runs before I start them, but once I get going I think of nothing but the end, and its all because the runs are so short during the week. (Wow...I'm a little shocked I just used the words "short" and "run" in the same sentence...but it makes me happy!) When I ran my first 6 miler last Saturday I looked forward to running. I didn't rush to the end, but instead, simply enjoyed it. I think I'm getting to the point where, for me, the shorter runs are just a hassle because they are something I KNOW I can accomplish 100%, but they're key so I won't skip out on them. I look forward to the longer runs because it forces me to see how far I can go...forcing me to push my body to times and distances its never ran before.

I just have to find some sort of balance in this new and improved life of mine. Any suggestions on how to find this balance?


*lisa* said...

Not that I'm an expert by any means, but maybe you should add in some speed workouts or at least fartleks or strides occasionally into your shorter runs to give them some interest (not to mention extra bonuses in your running ability!).

I also get very bored with the 2-3 mile runs in my training program - I'm not ready for speed so I keep things interesting by always looking for different routes. (I use

Kaity Mackenzie said...

Dude... you rock.