Wednesday, November 26, 2008

too excited too soon

I'm starting to remember why it was I chose to stop running track my freshman year of highschool...those lovely things that help our legs to bend...yea, my knees are shot to all hell after that 17 mile run last saturday. I'm not sure what the diagnosis is at this point but this pain is excruciating. Not only does it feel like someone took a hammer and whacked me Nancy Carrigan style, but its making it extremely difficult to walk and I have no intention of getting knee replacements any time soon. I've decided that my choices at this point are to be done with the long runs and just concentrate on the short ones (up to 14 miles) until the marathon or to be done with the long runs and just concentrate on the short ones until the marathon. I'm guessing this is the point where I listen to God (and my body) and just run shorter races after this marathon. Don't get me wrong, I have EVERY intention of getting through this marathon. I'd rather deal with the pain after the race than deal with the regret of quitting a mere 46 days before the race. If I have to walk a little so be it. It's 26.2 mile for heavens sake. Who actually runs the whole thing anyway? (juuuuust kidding). Heck, some people don't even drive that far in one day.

Bring it on pain! I WILL defeat you.

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