Thursday, November 13, 2008

slowly but surely

Some good news (finally)... after a good 3 weeks of resting my hip, and a 16 mile "run" on the elliptical last saturday morning, I've forced myself to get on that treadmill and just run, no matter how long it takes me. The last 2 runs have been pretty good. I started monday off with a 5 mile run and although it wasn't at my usual pace for the fear that I'd aggravate my hip, I finished. I tried to go faster than what my hip would allow me, but once I felt that pain I had to slow down. Then, last night I did an 8 miler on the treadmill and while I managed to run a bit faster than Monday's run, I was still trying to be cautious. 

All in all my body is holding up pretty well these days. The ankle pain is gone but that bursa infested fluid filled sack thing is still in my hip. I'm hoping that after some rest this weekend I'll be able to actually run outside starting next week. Although, the treadmill is doing pretty well for me these days considering I don't want my body to have to get so used to running in frigid temperatures before I have to be right back out there in the blistering I get to watch movies while I run :) Aside from all that though, reality is starting to kick in. I booked my ticket for the marathon yesterday and thank goodness for PTO in the working world or else I wouldn't be able to spend those 2 extra days in florida...on the the sun...relaxing!!

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