Thursday, June 19, 2008

sweating bullets

Usually, I seem to have a negative attitude when it comes to all this running, but i really think i'm pulling through and starting to like it more and more. Today was the third day of my preliminary training and it went really well. It took me a bit to actually get out on the road, but i knew if i didn't I'd regret it. I just have to remember the way it feels once i'm finished, and granted i look as if i just spent 10 hours in a sauna (by the time i'm done and people ask if i'm ok since my face is fire engine red), i feel GREAT these days! I'm only on step 6 of the prelim training (jog for 10 min and walk for 5 2x's) and although I know its not much i'm very proud of myself. i'm beginning to know what it takes to motivate myself to keep going....and plus, i'm one step closer to completing the marathon!

Just gotta keep goin'!!

1 comment:

Kaity Mackenzie said...

Dude I sweat so bad! I am almost done with the prelim training. I am running 25 and walking 5. Next week I should be up to the 30 minutes! Woo hoo! Then I need to figure out what to do between now and full on training! Keep it up man!

One thing that's keeping me going? I've lost 8.5 pounds!